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Prampram Beach, Business & Leisure Hotel

Prampram Business, Beach & Leisure HotelThe Prampram Beach, Business & Leisure Hotel will be a luxurious 4-star hotel with recreational facilities on its premises.
The location of the hotel is near the city of Accra 45 kilometres away from the heart of the city. The hotel will be well accessible. Located near to the highway from Accra to Togo. The premisses has free view and access to the beach and ocean.

P600 Prampram Beach  Leisure BEDROOMGhana’s leisure and business sector is growing at an average rate of 10% per annum over the last years. Ghana enjoys a liberal investment environment and a stable, democratic political system. The government gives special priority in hotel development, the Prampram-Ningo area is pointed as “Key site” Benefits include 100% foreign ownership, a tax holiday from 7 to 10 years and exemption from the payment of customs import duties and Value Added Taxes (BTW) Infrastructure development such as access roads, water, electricity and telephone is largely supported.

P600 Prampram Beach  Leisure CONFERENCE_ROOM (2)Accra is the major business centre of Ghana. Over the last 5 years the average room occupancy in the region for four- and five star hotels went up to an average of 89%. With an average room rate of US$ 190,- Although the world economy went through a turbulent period this year the demand in Accra for hotel rooms is still growing thanks to a flourishing economy.

It can be concluded that perspectives are good for the region Accra. But occupancies will possibly not remain rising, because high occupancies will cause new hotel developments that will eventually stabilise the market. Advantage for the Accra region will be that the region has an attractive corporate climate and will remain a strong tourist destination. The estimate of the Ministry of Tourism of an average annual growth of 10% of demand for room nights in the Greater Accra region seems realistic on the basis of the facts mentioned.

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